Frequently Asked Questions
What is the Reject Shop's "Speak Up" Hotline?
The Reject Shop’s “Speak Up” Hotline is an independent and confidential service available to receive information relating to anything when things are not quite how they should be. This will usually relate to actual or suspected wrongdoing or misconduct although it may concern improper conduct, unlawful or unethical behaviour or behaviour that is inconsistent with The Reject Shop’s values and Code of Conduct.
What can be reported?
Any actual or suspected wrongdoing or misconduct can be reported.
If it is something that concerns you, The Reject Shop wants to know about it so it can address your concern.
Most matters are likely to concern breaches of the Code of Conduct, related policies, and issues that may adversely affect The Reject Shop. This may include any criminal offence, breach of legal obligation, unsafe behaviour, harassment or bullying.
Why is the Reject Shop introducing the service?
The Reject Shop believes that all team members and other stakeholders may want to positively contribute to the company by calling out actual or suspected wrongdoing or misconduct. This service is designed to enable everyone to speak up.
How do I make a report?
The Reject Shop has engaged an independent consultant to manage the receipt, recording and reporting of any concern.
Stopline is an independent, confidential and impartial conduit for the receipt of information concerning actual or suspected wrongdoing or misconduct. Stopline has people experienced in the handling of sensitive information from stakeholders.
Who is Stopline?
Stopline is an Australian company which specialises in providing integrity/whistleblowing services. It has been operating for over a decade and assists listed and private companies, local, state and Commonwealth public sector bodies and not-for-profit organisations. Further details are available at
Do I have to give my name?
You do not need to identify yourself when making a disclosure.
If I make a complaint regarding suspected misconduct, how will I be protected?
The Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) contains a number of whistleblower protections.
In compliance with the Corporations Act, The Reject Shop has a whistleblowing policy.
If you decide to become a whistleblower, the Corporations Act contains a number of protections.
Maintaining confidentiality is a crucial component of this protection. All disclosures will be treated with a high level of confidentiality. The Reject Shop has appointed Stopline to enhance confidentiality and anonymity.
You will not be victimised or adversely affected because of your action in disclosing your concerns provided that there is a reasonable basis for your concerns.
It is unlawful for anyone to engage in conduct that causes detriment to you in the belief or suspicion that you have made, may make, propose to make or could make a protected disclosure or to purport to terminate your employment because of a disclosure.
“Detriment” is defined very broadly to include dismissal, alteration to position, discrimination, harassment, injury in employment or damage to reputation.
Under the Corporations Act, you may be entitled to seek an order from the court for compensation for any loss, damage or injury as a result of any detrimental conduct caused by The Reject Shop.
How does Stopline work?
Stopline enables team members, contractors and stakeholders to report in good faith, actual or suspected misconduct or wrongdoing via telephone, email, internet, facsimile or mail, to an independent organisation with trained staff who will receive your concerns confidentially (anonymously if you wish) and provide the confidential information to the Whistleblowing Protection Officer at the Reject Shop.
Your concerns will be properly investigated with a view to establishing the truth and correcting, where possible, any wrongdoing or misconduct.
Who and what is the nominated officer?
Sarah Ferris (Corporate Counsel) who is a person within The Reject Shop who is responsible for ensuring that all matters are properly investigated.
If the matter concerns Sarah, Stopline will work with either Lauren Harris (General Counsel & Company Secretary) or Clinton Cahn (CEO) to enable The Reject Shop to properly consider the matter.
Lauren and Clinton each report to the board of directors of The Reject Shop.
When should I contact Stopline?
You can contact the Stopline when you have knowledge of actual or suspected wrongdoing or misconduct.
At what time can I contact Stopline?
You can telephone Stopline on 1300 30 45 50 (in Australia) 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. A Stopline investigator will answer your call during business hours (0800 – 1800 Mon – Fri AEST). Any messages left with our overnight team will be responded to within one working day. You can also send your disclosure via the internet (this website), email, facsimile or mail.
As an employee, how do I know that somebody won't just make some false claim to settle a personal grudge?
The strength of Stopline is that all allegations will be professionally managed by trained Stopline staff. The experience of Stopline is that vexatious calls occur very infrequently. Stopline focuses on the message, not the messenger. The Reject Shop may determine that it is unnecessary to investigate the matter if it is satisfied that the disclosure is trivial, frivolous or vexatious.
Will I be kept informed about the result of making a report?
You will be kept informed about the status of the report, decisions made regarding how the matter is to be handled, timeframes that apply and the result of any investigation and action taken.
If you choose to remain anonymous, you will be issued with a confidential reference and password and must initiate contact through one of the methods above to receive feedback.
If I make a report will I be liable anyway?
You will not be victimised or adversely affected because of your action in disclosing your concerns provided that there is a reasonable basis for your concerns.
However, the act of reporting a concern may not shield you from the reasonable consequences flowing from any involvement in wrongdoing or misconduct.